home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- @node main "MAXs BBS Support Files, Doors and Stuff by Glen Martin"
- .-------------------------.
- `-------------------------'
- SLOW_USER.LHA 3k 00 010298 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ SLOW USER |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ Displays screen to |
- / __ / / __\_ slow modem users |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/--(c)-Glen-Martin----'
- S_LOG12_NSA.LHA 5k 00 140298 ______
- |) oz .| aUSTRALIAN .
- . ___|| ==( nSA dESIGN gROUP .
- . (_____/\/\_| :
- : \|(oo)|/ pROULDY pRESENTS !
- : ( -- ) |
- ! __\ <> /__ sUPER lOG v1.2 |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ sHOWS lAST cALLERS |
- / __ / / __\_ aND uSER/bBS sTATS |
- \_/ X mARTY )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/-wORLD-mAXs-sUPPORT--'
- AFL_TIPS.LHA 10k 00 160298 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ AFL-TiPPiNG |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ Tipping Set Up For |
- / __ / / __\_ The Sport AFL |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/-+61-7-3807-6884-----'
- Glen Martin
- AMIVOTE.LHA 10k 00 160298 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ AMi VOTE |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ Voting Type Door |
- / __ / / __\_ Original By Jon |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/-+61-7-3807-6884-----'
- AMIWALL.LHA 5k 00 160298 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ AMi WALL |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ Graffiti Wall Type |
- / __ / / __\_ Door |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/-+61-7-3807-6884-----'
- BBS-ADVERT.LHA 7k 01 160298 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ BBS ADVERT |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ Display/Advertise |
- / __ / / __\_ Bulletin Boards |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/-World-MAXs-Support--'
- CALLBBS.LHA 8k 00 160298 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ CALL BBS |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ Add & Display Other |
- / __ / / __\_ Bulletin Boards |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/-+61-7-3807-6884-----'
- FFL_V13.LHA 14k 01 160298 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ FUCKiNG FAST LOGiN |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ Allows Quick Login |
- / __ / / __\_ For SysOp/Users |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/-+61-7-3807-6884-----'
- FUKWITS_21.LHA 5k 01 160298 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ FUKWiTS v2.1 |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ Security Type Door |
- / __ / / __\_ Locks Users Out |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/-+61-7-3807-6884-----'
- HANGAMI.LHA 7k 02 160298 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ HANG AMi |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ Hang Man Type Game |
- / __ / / __\_ Original By Zed |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/-MAXs-World-Support--'
- HD_MENUS.LHA 10k 00 160298 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs File |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ HD MENUS |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ Set Of Menus For |
- / __ / / __\_ Hackers Delight |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/-+61-7-3807-6884-----'
- INTROSTATS.LHA 3k 00 160298 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ iNTRO STATS |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ Displays user/BBS |
- / __ / / __\_ stats during login |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/-World-MAXs-Support--'
- IS_22.LHA 4k 01 160298 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ iNTRO STATS v2.2 |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ Displays User/BBS |
- / __ / / __\_ Stats Upon Login |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/-+61-7-3807-6884-----'
- LAST10.LHA 3k 02 160298 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ LAST 10 |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ Displays last ten |
- / __ / / __\_ callers & stats |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/-+61-7-3807-6884-----'
- MAXSTD.LHA 60k 01 160298 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs File |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ MAXsTD |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ Hack To Run MAXs & |
- / __ / / __\_ Trapdoor Together |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/-+61-7-3807-6884-----'
- MAXS_GUIDE.LHA 50k 00 160298 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs File |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ MAXs GUiDE |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ MAXs doc in Amiga |
- / __ / / __\_ Guide format |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/--Email-me-anytime!--'
- Glen Martin
- MISSION.LHA 6k 01 160298 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs File |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ THE MiSSiON |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ A Game For The Door |
- / __ / / __\_ Multi-Adventure |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/-+61-7-3807-6884-----'
- MMC_PACK.LHA 21k 03 160298 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Pack |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ Screens for MMC |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ Mega Multinode Chat |
- / __ / / __\_ by Steve Clack, LSD |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/-+61-7-3807-6884-----'
- MULTI_MENUS.LHA 15k 00 160298 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ MULTi MENUS v1.0 |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ Allows More Menu |
- / __ / / __\_ Sets On The BBS |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/-+61-7-3807-6884-----'
- NBL-TIPS.LHA 14k 00 160298 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ NBL-TiPPiNG |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ Tipping Set Up For |
- / __ / / __\_ NBL Basketball |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/-+61-7-3807-6884-----'
- OBBS_LIST_35.LHA 304k 00 160298 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ OZ BBS LiST v3.5 |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ Ozzie BBS Lister |
- / __ / / __\_ Update |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/--Fluffy-Net-Rocks---'
- PASSW_CHECK.LHA 5k 02 160298 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ PASSWORD CHECK |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ Mat _) \ Asks the User to |
- / __ / / __\_ Change Password |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/-+61-7-3807-6884-----'
- READ_ME_2.LHA 21k 00 160298 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ READ ME v2.0 |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ Shows BBS Related |
- / __ / / __\_ Text Files |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/-+61-7-3807-6884-----'
- SETTINGS.LHA 33k 01 160298 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ Settings |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ MAXs User Settings |
- / __ / / __\_ With A Heading |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/-MAXs-World-Support--'
- SUPER_LOG.LHA 4k 02 160298 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ SUPER LOG |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ Shows Last Callers |
- / __ / / __\_ and User/BBS Stats |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/-+61-7-3807-6884-----'
- SYSOPMENU.LHA 3k 01 160298 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ SYSOPS MENU |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ A SysOps Only Menu |
- / __ / / __\_ With Options |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/-For-All-MAXs-Needs--'
- SYSTEM_STATS.LHA 5k 01 160298 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ SYSTEM STATS |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ Displays System |
- / __ / / __\_ Stats And Info |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/-+61-7-3807-6884-----'
- THE_WALL_11.LHA 7k 00 160298 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ THE WALL v1.1 |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ Another Graffiti |
- / __ / / __\_ Type Wall |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/-World-MAXs-Support--'
- TIME_BANK.LHA 7k 03 160298 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ TiME BANK |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ BBS Time Bank Menu |
- / __ / / __\_ Options |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/--(c)-Glen-Martin----'
- UPLOAD2SYSOP.LHA 4k 00 160298 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ UPLOAD 2 SYSOP |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ Send Uploads Direct |
- / __ / / __\_ To The SysOp |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/-+61-7-3807-6884-----'
- USERMSG.LHA 9k 00 160298 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ USER MESSAGE |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ Allows users to |
- / __ / / __\_ leave a user msg |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/--Hello-to-Zeffy-----'
- USERS_LIST.LHA 4k 00 160298 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ USER LiST |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ Displays Users |
- / __ / / __\_ Details |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/-+61-7-3807-6884-----'
- USER_CFG.LHA 8k 02 160298 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ USER CFG |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ User Configuration |
- / __ / / __\_ Menu Options |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/--MAXs-Pro-Rules-----'
- USER_CHECK.LHA 12k 00 160298 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ USER CHECK |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ A Verification Type |
- / __ / / __\_ Door for Users |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/-+61-7-3807-6884-----'
- USER_MSG_32.LHA 64k 00 160298 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ USER MSG v3.2 |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ Excellent Leave |
- / __ / / __\_ User Msg Door |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/-+61-7-3807-6884-----'
- NO_PASSWORD.LHA 13k 00 210398 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ NO PASSWORD |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ Users can leave msg |
- / __ / / __\_ for their Password |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/-+61-7-3807-6884-----'
- USER_MSG_35.LHA 10k 00 150498 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ USER MSG v3.5 |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ Excellent Leave |
- / __ / / __\_ Users Msg Door |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/-+61-7-3807-6884-----'
- NEW_USER.LHA 8k 00 010598 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ NEW USER |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ My login sequence |
- / __ / / __\_ for New Users |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/--Made-in-Australia--'
- NEW_USER_V2.LHA 12k 01 010598 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ NEW USER v2.0 |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ My login sequence |
- / __ / / __\_ for New Users |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/--(c)-Glen-Martin----'
- MY_VERSION.REGO 5k 01 070698 --------------------------------------------
- "My Version" (c) Marty of GREMLiNS MAXsWARE.
- --------------------------------------------
- Application form for personlised versions of
- certain MAXs doors, created by "Glen Martin"
- --------------------------------------------
- GLEN_MARTIN.LHA 107k 02 210698 --------------------------------------------
- Okay, I got bored and decided to create this
- archive which includes a sexy (iff) picture
- of myself, plus the BBS login screen. Wow!?!
- --------------------------------------------
- Email .......: gmartin@technet2000.com.au
- BBS .........: GREMLiNS BBS, +61-7-3807-6884
- Fluffy Net ..: 888:601/0.0 (public msg)
- --------------------------------------------
- SHOW_GREMS!.LHA 29k 02 120798 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another product: |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ GREMLiNS Preview |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ A 10 min ansi_anim |
- / __ / / __\_ of Gremlins BBS.. |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/-See-u-all-in-2000?--'
- SPEED_11.LHA 11k 01 250798 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ SPEED v1.1 |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ Makes a Users Login |
- / __ / / __\_ a little quicker |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/---(c)-GM-NSA-LSD----'
- U2S.LHA 9k 01 010898 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ U2S v1.0 |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ Upload 2 SysOp only |
- / __ / / __\_ type door |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/---(c)-GM-NSA-LSD----'
- LOG_USER.LHA 3k 04 040898 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ LOG USER |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ Keeps a log of each |
- / __ / / __\_ user that logs on |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/---(c)-GM-NSA-LSD----'
- FOR_SALE_21.LHA 13k 01 080898 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ FOR SALE v2.1 |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ Allows users to |
- / __ / / __\_ advertise stuff |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/--World-MAXs-Site----'
- MAXS_CODERS.LHA 10k 00 110898 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another product: |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ MAXs CODERS |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ Past & Present MAXs |
- / __ / / __\_ Support People. |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/-Edition:-25-Jul-98--'
- MAXS_0898.LHA 98k 00 110898 .-------------------------------------------.
- +-------------------------------------------+
- | File List Updated On: 23:07:10 11-08-98 |
- +-------------------------------------------+
- | OZ HQ: Fluffy Net, MAXs PRO, NSA and LSD |
- `-------------------------------------------'
- SETUP_10.LHA 31k 01 220898 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ Setup v1.0 |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ BBS settings with a |
- / __ / / __\_ difference |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/-World-MAXs-Support--'
- PW_CHECK.LHA 9k 00 290898 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ PASSWORD CHECK v1.1 |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ Gives option to |
- / __ / / __\_ change password |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/--Life's-a-Bitch-----'
- FLUFFY_GUIDE.LHA 19k 01 300898 __()__
- |) Oz .| .
- . ___|| ==( FLUFFY NET GUiDE .
- . (_____/\/\_| (c)1997-98 Glen Martin :
- : \|(oo)|/ |
- : ( -- ) AN AMiGA GUiDE OF |
- | __\ () /__ ALL FLUFFY NET BBS'S |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ AND iT'S SYSOPS. |
- |_/ (_ _) \ |
- / __ / / __\_ 30-Aug-98 |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/---GREMLiNS-BBS------'
- PAPA_PACK1.LHA 18k 00 300898 _______ _____ ______ _____ __ __
- ( ) . ) __ )__ | | |
- / | | | | < | |_ _|
- \__|_| |__| |__|) ) | | | |
- `--' `--' `--' `--' `-'
- [--------------------------------------]
- [----------------pack-#1---------------]
- MULTI-MENUS.LHA 8k 00 010998 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ MULTI MENUS v1.2 |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ Allows more menu |
- / __ / / __\_ sets on the BBS |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/-+61-7-3807-6884-----'
- FUKWITS_22.LHA 7k 00 120998 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ FUKWITS v2.2 |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ Locks LUsers out |
- / __ / / __\_ like Greg Thomas |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ and Paul Demark! |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/---------------------'
- @endnode