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/ Aminet 28 / Aminet 28 (1998)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Dec 1998].iso / Aminet / comm / maxs / FFL_14.lha / MAXsDoors.guide < prev   
Text File  |  1998-10-03  |  32.5 KB  |  643 lines

  1. @node main "MAXs BBS Support Files, Doors and Stuff by Glen Martin"
  3.  .-------------------------.
  4.  |  (c) GREMLiNS MAXsWARE  |
  5.  `-------------------------'
  7. SLOW_USER.LHA      3k 00 010298         __()__                               
  8.                        |) Oz .|       GREMLiNS MAXsWARE   .  
  9.                  .  ___||   ==(                           .  
  10.                  . (_____/\/\_|       Proudly presents    :  
  11.                  :     \|(oo)|/       another MAXs Door   |  
  12.                  :     (  --  )                           |  
  13.                  |    __\ () /__      SLOW USER           |  
  14.                  |  _/ /"`--'"\ \                         |  
  15.                  |_/  (_      _) \    Displays screen to  |  
  16.                  /  __ /      / __\_  slow modem users    |  
  17.                  \_/  X Marty )(___ \                     |  
  18.                  `-\ /--------\_(___/--(c)-Glen-Martin----'
  19. S_LOG12_NSA.LHA    5k 00 140298         ______                               
  20.                        |) oz .|          aUSTRALIAN       .  
  21.                  .  ___||   ==(       nSA dESIGN gROUP    .  
  22.                  . (_____/\/\_|                           :  
  23.                  :     \|(oo)|/       pROULDY pRESENTS    !  
  24.                  :     (  --  )                           |  
  25.                  !    __\ <> /__      sUPER lOG v1.2      |  
  26.                  |  _/ /"`--'"\ \                         |  
  27.                  |_/  (_      _) \    sHOWS lAST cALLERS  |  
  28.                  /  __ /      / __\_  aND uSER/bBS sTATS  |  
  29.                  \_/  X mARTY )(___ \                     |  
  30.                  `-\ /--------\_(___/-wORLD-mAXs-sUPPORT--'
  31. AFL_TIPS.LHA      10k 00 160298         __()__                               
  32.                        |) Oz .|       GREMLiNS MAXsWARE   .  
  33.                  .  ___||   ==(                           .  
  34.                  . (_____/\/\_|       Proudly presents    :  
  35.                  :     \|(oo)|/       another MAXs Door   |  
  36.                  :     (  --  )                           |  
  37.                  |    __\ () /__      AFL-TiPPiNG         |  
  38.                  |  _/ /"`--'"\ \                         |  
  39.                  |_/  (_      _) \    Tipping Set Up For  |  
  40.                  /  __ /      / __\_  The Sport AFL       |  
  41.                  \_/  X Marty )(___ \                     |  
  42.                  `-\ /--------\_(___/-+61-7-3807-6884-----'  
  43.                 Glen Martin
  44. AMIVOTE.LHA       10k 00 160298         __()__                               
  45.                        |) Oz .|       GREMLiNS MAXsWARE   .  
  46.                  .  ___||   ==(                           .  
  47.                  . (_____/\/\_|       Proudly presents    :  
  48.                  :     \|(oo)|/       another MAXs Door   |  
  49.                  :     (  --  )                           |  
  50.                  |    __\ () /__      AMi VOTE            |  
  51.                  |  _/ /"`--'"\ \                         |  
  52.                  |_/  (_      _) \    Voting Type Door    |  
  53.                  /  __ /      / __\_  Original By Jon     |  
  54.                  \_/  X Marty )(___ \                     |  
  55.                  `-\ /--------\_(___/-+61-7-3807-6884-----'
  56. AMIWALL.LHA        5k 00 160298         __()__                               
  57.                        |) Oz .|       GREMLiNS MAXsWARE   .  
  58.                  .  ___||   ==(                           .  
  59.                  . (_____/\/\_|       Proudly presents    :  
  60.                  :     \|(oo)|/       another MAXs Door   |  
  61.                  :     (  --  )                           |  
  62.                  |    __\ () /__      AMi WALL            |  
  63.                  |  _/ /"`--'"\ \                         |  
  64.                  |_/  (_      _) \    Graffiti Wall Type  |  
  65.                  /  __ /      / __\_  Door                |  
  66.                  \_/  X Marty )(___ \                     |  
  67.                  `-\ /--------\_(___/-+61-7-3807-6884-----'
  68. BBS-ADVERT.LHA     7k 01 160298         __()__                               
  69.                        |) Oz .|       GREMLiNS MAXsWARE   .  
  70.                  .  ___||   ==(                           .  
  71.                  . (_____/\/\_|       Proudly presents    :  
  72.                  :     \|(oo)|/       another MAXs Door   |  
  73.                  :     (  --  )                           |  
  74.                  |    __\ () /__      BBS ADVERT          |  
  75.                  |  _/ /"`--'"\ \                         |  
  76.                  |_/  (_      _) \    Display/Advertise   |  
  77.                  /  __ /      / __\_  Bulletin Boards     |  
  78.                  \_/  X Marty )(___ \                     |  
  79.                  `-\ /--------\_(___/-World-MAXs-Support--'
  80. CALLBBS.LHA        8k 00 160298         __()__                               
  81.                        |) Oz .|       GREMLiNS MAXsWARE   .  
  82.                  .  ___||   ==(                           .  
  83.                  . (_____/\/\_|       Proudly presents    :  
  84.                  :     \|(oo)|/       another MAXs Door   |  
  85.                  :     (  --  )                           |  
  86.                  |    __\ () /__      CALL BBS            |  
  87.                  |  _/ /"`--'"\ \                         |  
  88.                  |_/  (_      _) \    Add & Display Other |  
  89.                  /  __ /      / __\_  Bulletin Boards     |  
  90.                  \_/  X Marty )(___ \                     |  
  91.                  `-\ /--------\_(___/-+61-7-3807-6884-----'
  92. FFL_V13.LHA       14k 01 160298         __()__                               
  93.                        |) Oz .|       GREMLiNS MAXsWARE   .  
  94.                  .  ___||   ==(                           .  
  95.                  . (_____/\/\_|       Proudly presents    :  
  96.                  :     \|(oo)|/       another MAXs Door   |  
  97.                  :     (  --  )                           |  
  98.                  |    __\ () /__      FUCKiNG FAST LOGiN  |  
  99.                  |  _/ /"`--'"\ \                         |  
  100.                  |_/  (_      _) \    Allows Quick Login  |  
  101.                  /  __ /      / __\_  For SysOp/Users     |  
  102.                  \_/  X Marty )(___ \                     |  
  103.                  `-\ /--------\_(___/-+61-7-3807-6884-----'
  104. FUKWITS_21.LHA     5k 01 160298         __()__                               
  105.                        |) Oz .|       GREMLiNS MAXsWARE   .  
  106.                  .  ___||   ==(                           .  
  107.                  . (_____/\/\_|       Proudly presents    :  
  108.                  :     \|(oo)|/       another MAXs Door   |  
  109.                  :     (  --  )                           |  
  110.                  |    __\ () /__      FUKWiTS v2.1        |  
  111.                  |  _/ /"`--'"\ \                         |  
  112.                  |_/  (_      _) \    Security Type Door  |  
  113.                  /  __ /      / __\_  Locks Users Out     |  
  114.                  \_/  X Marty )(___ \                     |  
  115.                  `-\ /--------\_(___/-+61-7-3807-6884-----'
  116. HANGAMI.LHA        7k 02 160298         __()__                               
  117.                        |) Oz .|       GREMLiNS MAXsWARE   .  
  118.                  .  ___||   ==(                           .  
  119.                  . (_____/\/\_|       Proudly presents    :  
  120.                  :     \|(oo)|/       another MAXs Door   |  
  121.                  :     (  --  )                           |  
  122.                  |    __\ () /__      HANG AMi            |  
  123.                  |  _/ /"`--'"\ \                         |  
  124.                  |_/  (_      _) \    Hang Man Type Game  |  
  125.                  /  __ /      / __\_  Original By Zed     |  
  126.                  \_/  X Marty )(___ \                     |  
  127.                  `-\ /--------\_(___/-MAXs-World-Support--'
  128. HD_MENUS.LHA      10k 00 160298         __()__                               
  129.                        |) Oz .|       GREMLiNS MAXsWARE   .  
  130.                  .  ___||   ==(                           .  
  131.                  . (_____/\/\_|       Proudly presents    :  
  132.                  :     \|(oo)|/       another MAXs File   |  
  133.                  :     (  --  )                           |  
  134.                  |    __\ () /__      HD MENUS            |  
  135.                  |  _/ /"`--'"\ \                         |  
  136.                  |_/  (_      _) \    Set Of Menus For    |  
  137.                  /  __ /      / __\_  Hackers Delight     |  
  138.                  \_/  X Marty )(___ \                     |  
  139.                  `-\ /--------\_(___/-+61-7-3807-6884-----'
  140. INTROSTATS.LHA     3k 00 160298         __()__                               
  141.                        |) Oz .|       GREMLiNS MAXsWARE   .  
  142.                  .  ___||   ==(                           .  
  143.                  . (_____/\/\_|       Proudly presents    :  
  144.                  :     \|(oo)|/       another MAXs Door   |  
  145.                  :     (  --  )                           |  
  146.                  |    __\ () /__      iNTRO STATS         |  
  147.                  |  _/ /"`--'"\ \                         |  
  148.                  |_/  (_      _) \    Displays user/BBS   |  
  149.                  /  __ /      / __\_  stats during login  |  
  150.                  \_/  X Marty )(___ \                     |  
  151.                  `-\ /--------\_(___/-World-MAXs-Support--'
  152. IS_22.LHA          4k 01 160298         __()__                               
  153.                        |) Oz .|       GREMLiNS MAXsWARE   .  
  154.                  .  ___||   ==(                           .  
  155.                  . (_____/\/\_|       Proudly presents    :  
  156.                  :     \|(oo)|/       another MAXs Door   |  
  157.                  :     (  --  )                           |  
  158.                  |    __\ () /__      iNTRO STATS v2.2    |  
  159.                  |  _/ /"`--'"\ \                         |  
  160.                  |_/  (_      _) \    Displays User/BBS   |  
  161.                  /  __ /      / __\_  Stats Upon Login    |  
  162.                  \_/  X Marty )(___ \                     |  
  163.                  `-\ /--------\_(___/-+61-7-3807-6884-----'
  164. LAST10.LHA         3k 02 160298         __()__                               
  165.                        |) Oz .|       GREMLiNS MAXsWARE   .  
  166.                  .  ___||   ==(                           .  
  167.                  . (_____/\/\_|       Proudly presents    :  
  168.                  :     \|(oo)|/       another MAXs Door   |  
  169.                  :     (  --  )                           |  
  170.                  |    __\ () /__      LAST 10             |  
  171.                  |  _/ /"`--'"\ \                         |  
  172.                  |_/  (_      _) \    Displays last ten   |  
  173.                  /  __ /      / __\_  callers & stats     |  
  174.                  \_/  X Marty )(___ \                     |  
  175.                  `-\ /--------\_(___/-+61-7-3807-6884-----'
  176. MAXSTD.LHA        60k 01 160298         __()__                               
  177.                        |) Oz .|       GREMLiNS MAXsWARE   .  
  178.                  .  ___||   ==(                           .  
  179.                  . (_____/\/\_|       Proudly presents    :  
  180.                  :     \|(oo)|/       another MAXs File   |  
  181.                  :     (  --  )                           |  
  182.                  |    __\ () /__      MAXsTD              |  
  183.                  |  _/ /"`--'"\ \                         |  
  184.                  |_/  (_      _) \    Hack To Run MAXs &  |  
  185.                  /  __ /      / __\_  Trapdoor Together   |  
  186.                  \_/  X Marty )(___ \                     |  
  187.                  `-\ /--------\_(___/-+61-7-3807-6884-----'
  188. MAXS_GUIDE.LHA    50k 00 160298         __()__                               
  189.                        |) Oz .|       GREMLiNS MAXsWARE   .  
  190.                  .  ___||   ==(                           .  
  191.                  . (_____/\/\_|       Proudly presents    :  
  192.                  :     \|(oo)|/       another MAXs File   |  
  193.                  :     (  --  )                           |  
  194.                  |    __\ () /__      MAXs GUiDE          |  
  195.                  |  _/ /"`--'"\ \                         |  
  196.                  |_/  (_      _) \    MAXs doc in Amiga   |  
  197.                  /  __ /      / __\_  Guide format        |  
  198.                  \_/  X Marty )(___ \                     |  
  199.                  `-\ /--------\_(___/--Email-me-anytime!--'  
  200.                 Glen Martin
  201. MISSION.LHA        6k 01 160298         __()__                               
  202.                        |) Oz .|       GREMLiNS MAXsWARE   .  
  203.                  .  ___||   ==(                           .  
  204.                  . (_____/\/\_|       Proudly presents    :  
  205.                  :     \|(oo)|/       another MAXs File   |  
  206.                  :     (  --  )                           |  
  207.                  |    __\ () /__      THE MiSSiON         |  
  208.                  |  _/ /"`--'"\ \                         |  
  209.                  |_/  (_      _) \    A Game For The Door |  
  210.                  /  __ /      / __\_  Multi-Adventure     |  
  211.                  \_/  X Marty )(___ \                     |  
  212.                  `-\ /--------\_(___/-+61-7-3807-6884-----'
  213. MMC_PACK.LHA      21k 03 160298         __()__                               
  214.                        |) Oz .|       GREMLiNS MAXsWARE   .  
  215.                  .  ___||   ==(                           .  
  216.                  . (_____/\/\_|       Proudly presents    :  
  217.                  :     \|(oo)|/       another MAXs Pack   |  
  218.                  :     (  --  )                           |  
  219.                  |    __\ () /__      Screens for MMC     |  
  220.                  |  _/ /"`--'"\ \                         |  
  221.                  |_/  (_      _) \    Mega Multinode Chat |  
  222.                  /  __ /      / __\_  by Steve Clack, LSD |  
  223.                  \_/  X Marty )(___ \                     |  
  224.                  `-\ /--------\_(___/-+61-7-3807-6884-----'
  225. MULTI_MENUS.LHA   15k 00 160298         __()__                               
  226.                        |) Oz .|       GREMLiNS MAXsWARE   .  
  227.                  .  ___||   ==(                           .  
  228.                  . (_____/\/\_|       Proudly presents    :  
  229.                  :     \|(oo)|/       another MAXs Door   |  
  230.                  :     (  --  )                           |  
  231.                  |    __\ () /__      MULTi MENUS v1.0    |  
  232.                  |  _/ /"`--'"\ \                         |  
  233.                  |_/  (_      _) \    Allows More Menu    |  
  234.                  /  __ /      / __\_  Sets On The BBS     |  
  235.                  \_/  X Marty )(___ \                     |  
  236.                  `-\ /--------\_(___/-+61-7-3807-6884-----'
  237. NBL-TIPS.LHA      14k 00 160298         __()__                               
  238.                        |) Oz .|       GREMLiNS MAXsWARE   .  
  239.                  .  ___||   ==(                           .  
  240.                  . (_____/\/\_|       Proudly presents    :  
  241.                  :     \|(oo)|/       another MAXs Door   |  
  242.                  :     (  --  )                           |  
  243.                  |    __\ () /__      NBL-TiPPiNG         |  
  244.                  |  _/ /"`--'"\ \                         |  
  245.                  |_/  (_      _) \    Tipping Set Up For  |  
  246.                  /  __ /      / __\_  NBL Basketball      |  
  247.                  \_/  X Marty )(___ \                     |  
  248.                  `-\ /--------\_(___/-+61-7-3807-6884-----'
  249. OBBS_LIST_35.LHA 304k 00 160298         __()__                               
  250.                        |) Oz .|       GREMLiNS MAXsWARE   .  
  251.                  .  ___||   ==(                           .  
  252.                  . (_____/\/\_|       Proudly presents    :  
  253.                  :     \|(oo)|/       another MAXs Door   |  
  254.                  :     (  --  )                           |  
  255.                  |    __\ () /__      OZ BBS LiST v3.5    |  
  256.                  |  _/ /"`--'"\ \                         |  
  257.                  |_/  (_      _) \    Ozzie BBS Lister    |  
  258.                  /  __ /      / __\_  Update              |  
  259.                  \_/  X Marty )(___ \                     |  
  260.                  `-\ /--------\_(___/--Fluffy-Net-Rocks---'
  261. PASSW_CHECK.LHA    5k 02 160298         __()__                               
  262.                        |) Oz .|       GREMLiNS MAXsWARE   .  
  263.                  .  ___||   ==(                           .  
  264.                  . (_____/\/\_|       Proudly presents    :  
  265.                  :     \|(oo)|/       another MAXs Door   |  
  266.                  :     (  --  )                           |  
  267.                  |    __\ () /__      PASSWORD CHECK      |  
  268.                  |  _/ /"`--'"\ \                         |  
  269.                  |_/  (_ Mat  _) \    Asks the User to    |  
  270.                  /  __ /      / __\_  Change Password     |  
  271.                  \_/  X Marty )(___ \                     |  
  272.                  `-\ /--------\_(___/-+61-7-3807-6884-----'
  273. READ_ME_2.LHA     21k 00 160298         __()__                               
  274.                        |) Oz .|       GREMLiNS MAXsWARE   .  
  275.                  .  ___||   ==(                           .  
  276.                  . (_____/\/\_|       Proudly presents    :  
  277.                  :     \|(oo)|/       another MAXs Door   |  
  278.                  :     (  --  )                           |  
  279.                  |    __\ () /__      READ ME v2.0        |  
  280.                  |  _/ /"`--'"\ \                         |  
  281.                  |_/  (_      _) \    Shows BBS Related   |  
  282.                  /  __ /      / __\_  Text Files          |  
  283.                  \_/  X Marty )(___ \                     |  
  284.                  `-\ /--------\_(___/-+61-7-3807-6884-----'
  285. SETTINGS.LHA      33k 01 160298         __()__                               
  286.                        |) Oz .|       GREMLiNS MAXsWARE   .  
  287.                  .  ___||   ==(                           .  
  288.                  . (_____/\/\_|       Proudly presents    :  
  289.                  :     \|(oo)|/       another MAXs Door   |  
  290.                  :     (  --  )                           |  
  291.                  |    __\ () /__      Settings            |  
  292.                  |  _/ /"`--'"\ \                         |  
  293.                  |_/  (_      _) \    MAXs User Settings  |  
  294.                  /  __ /      / __\_  With A Heading      |  
  295.                  \_/  X Marty )(___ \                     |  
  296.                  `-\ /--------\_(___/-MAXs-World-Support--'
  297. SUPER_LOG.LHA      4k 02 160298         __()__                               
  298.                        |) Oz .|       GREMLiNS MAXsWARE   .  
  299.                  .  ___||   ==(                           .  
  300.                  . (_____/\/\_|       Proudly presents    :  
  301.                  :     \|(oo)|/       another MAXs Door   |  
  302.                  :     (  --  )                           |  
  303.                  |    __\ () /__      SUPER LOG           |  
  304.                  |  _/ /"`--'"\ \                         |  
  305.                  |_/  (_      _) \    Shows Last Callers  |  
  306.                  /  __ /      / __\_  and User/BBS Stats  |  
  307.                  \_/  X Marty )(___ \                     |  
  308.                  `-\ /--------\_(___/-+61-7-3807-6884-----'
  309. SYSOPMENU.LHA      3k 01 160298         __()__                               
  310.                        |) Oz .|       GREMLiNS MAXsWARE   .  
  311.                  .  ___||   ==(                           .  
  312.                  . (_____/\/\_|       Proudly presents    :  
  313.                  :     \|(oo)|/       another MAXs Door   |  
  314.                  :     (  --  )                           |  
  315.                  |    __\ () /__      SYSOPS MENU         |  
  316.                  |  _/ /"`--'"\ \                         |  
  317.                  |_/  (_      _) \    A SysOps Only Menu  |  
  318.                  /  __ /      / __\_  With Options        |  
  319.                  \_/  X Marty )(___ \                     |  
  320.                  `-\ /--------\_(___/-For-All-MAXs-Needs--'
  321. SYSTEM_STATS.LHA   5k 01 160298         __()__                               
  322.                        |) Oz .|       GREMLiNS MAXsWARE   .  
  323.                  .  ___||   ==(                           .  
  324.                  . (_____/\/\_|       Proudly presents    :  
  325.                  :     \|(oo)|/       another MAXs Door   |  
  326.                  :     (  --  )                           |  
  327.                  |    __\ () /__      SYSTEM STATS        |  
  328.                  |  _/ /"`--'"\ \                         |  
  329.                  |_/  (_      _) \    Displays System     |  
  330.                  /  __ /      / __\_  Stats And Info      |  
  331.                  \_/  X Marty )(___ \                     |  
  332.                  `-\ /--------\_(___/-+61-7-3807-6884-----'
  333. THE_WALL_11.LHA    7k 00 160298         __()__                               
  334.                        |) Oz .|       GREMLiNS MAXsWARE   .  
  335.                  .  ___||   ==(                           .  
  336.                  . (_____/\/\_|       Proudly presents    :  
  337.                  :     \|(oo)|/       another MAXs Door   |  
  338.                  :     (  --  )                           |  
  339.                  |    __\ () /__      THE WALL v1.1       |  
  340.                  |  _/ /"`--'"\ \                         |  
  341.                  |_/  (_      _) \    Another Graffiti    |  
  342.                  /  __ /      / __\_  Type Wall           |  
  343.                  \_/  X Marty )(___ \                     |  
  344.                  `-\ /--------\_(___/-World-MAXs-Support--'
  345. TIME_BANK.LHA      7k 03 160298         __()__                               
  346.                        |) Oz .|       GREMLiNS MAXsWARE   .  
  347.                  .  ___||   ==(                           .  
  348.                  . (_____/\/\_|       Proudly presents    :  
  349.                  :     \|(oo)|/       another MAXs Door   |  
  350.                  :     (  --  )                           |  
  351.                  |    __\ () /__      TiME BANK           |  
  352.                  |  _/ /"`--'"\ \                         |  
  353.                  |_/  (_      _) \    BBS Time Bank Menu  |  
  354.                  /  __ /      / __\_  Options             |  
  355.                  \_/  X Marty )(___ \                     |  
  356.                  `-\ /--------\_(___/--(c)-Glen-Martin----'
  357. UPLOAD2SYSOP.LHA   4k 00 160298         __()__                               
  358.                        |) Oz .|       GREMLiNS MAXsWARE   .  
  359.                  .  ___||   ==(                           .  
  360.                  . (_____/\/\_|       Proudly presents    :  
  361.                  :     \|(oo)|/       another MAXs Door   |  
  362.                  :     (  --  )                           |  
  363.                  |    __\ () /__      UPLOAD 2 SYSOP      |  
  364.                  |  _/ /"`--'"\ \                         |  
  365.                  |_/  (_      _) \    Send Uploads Direct |  
  366.                  /  __ /      / __\_  To The SysOp        |  
  367.                  \_/  X Marty )(___ \                     |  
  368.                  `-\ /--------\_(___/-+61-7-3807-6884-----'
  369. USERMSG.LHA        9k 00 160298         __()__                               
  370.                        |) Oz .|       GREMLiNS MAXsWARE   .  
  371.                  .  ___||   ==(                           .  
  372.                  . (_____/\/\_|       Proudly presents    :  
  373.                  :     \|(oo)|/       another MAXs Door   |  
  374.                  :     (  --  )                           |  
  375.                  |    __\ () /__      USER MESSAGE        |  
  376.                  |  _/ /"`--'"\ \                         |  
  377.                  |_/  (_      _) \    Allows users to     |  
  378.                  /  __ /      / __\_  leave a user msg    |  
  379.                  \_/  X Marty )(___ \                     |  
  380.                  `-\ /--------\_(___/--Hello-to-Zeffy-----'
  381. USERS_LIST.LHA     4k 00 160298         __()__                               
  382.                        |) Oz .|       GREMLiNS MAXsWARE   .  
  383.                  .  ___||   ==(                           .  
  384.                  . (_____/\/\_|       Proudly presents    :  
  385.                  :     \|(oo)|/       another MAXs Door   |  
  386.                  :     (  --  )                           |  
  387.                  |    __\ () /__      USER LiST           |  
  388.                  |  _/ /"`--'"\ \                         |  
  389.                  |_/  (_      _) \    Displays Users      |  
  390.                  /  __ /      / __\_  Details             |  
  391.                  \_/  X Marty )(___ \                     |  
  392.                  `-\ /--------\_(___/-+61-7-3807-6884-----'
  393. USER_CFG.LHA       8k 02 160298         __()__                               
  394.                        |) Oz .|       GREMLiNS MAXsWARE   .  
  395.                  .  ___||   ==(                           .  
  396.                  . (_____/\/\_|       Proudly presents    :  
  397.                  :     \|(oo)|/       another MAXs Door   |  
  398.                  :     (  --  )                           |  
  399.                  |    __\ () /__      USER CFG            |  
  400.                  |  _/ /"`--'"\ \                         |  
  401.                  |_/  (_      _) \    User Configuration  |  
  402.                  /  __ /      / __\_  Menu Options        |  
  403.                  \_/  X Marty )(___ \                     |  
  404.                  `-\ /--------\_(___/--MAXs-Pro-Rules-----'
  405. USER_CHECK.LHA    12k 00 160298         __()__                               
  406.                        |) Oz .|       GREMLiNS MAXsWARE   .  
  407.                  .  ___||   ==(                           .  
  408.                  . (_____/\/\_|       Proudly presents    :  
  409.                  :     \|(oo)|/       another MAXs Door   |  
  410.                  :     (  --  )                           |  
  411.                  |    __\ () /__      USER CHECK          |  
  412.                  |  _/ /"`--'"\ \                         |  
  413.                  |_/  (_      _) \    A Verification Type |  
  414.                  /  __ /      / __\_  Door for Users      |  
  415.                  \_/  X Marty )(___ \                     |  
  416.                  `-\ /--------\_(___/-+61-7-3807-6884-----'
  417. USER_MSG_32.LHA   64k 00 160298         __()__                               
  418.                        |) Oz .|       GREMLiNS MAXsWARE   .  
  419.                  .  ___||   ==(                           .  
  420.                  . (_____/\/\_|       Proudly presents    :  
  421.                  :     \|(oo)|/       another MAXs Door   |  
  422.                  :     (  --  )                           |  
  423.                  |    __\ () /__      USER MSG v3.2       |  
  424.                  |  _/ /"`--'"\ \                         |  
  425.                  |_/  (_      _) \    Excellent Leave     |  
  426.                  /  __ /      / __\_  User Msg Door       |  
  427.                  \_/  X Marty )(___ \                     |  
  428.                  `-\ /--------\_(___/-+61-7-3807-6884-----'
  429. NO_PASSWORD.LHA   13k 00 210398         __()__                               
  430.                        |) Oz .|       GREMLiNS MAXsWARE   .  
  431.                  .  ___||   ==(                           .  
  432.                  . (_____/\/\_|       Proudly presents    :  
  433.                  :     \|(oo)|/       another MAXs Door   |  
  434.                  :     (  --  )                           |  
  435.                  |    __\ () /__      NO PASSWORD         |  
  436.                  |  _/ /"`--'"\ \                         |  
  437.                  |_/  (_      _) \    Users can leave msg |  
  438.                  /  __ /      / __\_  for their Password  |  
  439.                  \_/  X Marty )(___ \                     |  
  440.                  `-\ /--------\_(___/-+61-7-3807-6884-----'
  441. USER_MSG_35.LHA   10k 00 150498         __()__                               
  442.                        |) Oz .|       GREMLiNS MAXsWARE   .  
  443.                  .  ___||   ==(                           .  
  444.                  . (_____/\/\_|       Proudly presents    :  
  445.                  :     \|(oo)|/       another MAXs Door   |  
  446.                  :     (  --  )                           |  
  447.                  |    __\ () /__      USER MSG v3.5       |  
  448.                  |  _/ /"`--'"\ \                         |  
  449.                  |_/  (_      _) \    Excellent Leave     |  
  450.                  /  __ /      / __\_  Users Msg Door      |  
  451.                  \_/  X Marty )(___ \                     |  
  452.                  `-\ /--------\_(___/-+61-7-3807-6884-----'
  453. NEW_USER.LHA       8k 00 010598         __()__                               
  454.                        |) Oz .|       GREMLiNS MAXsWARE   .  
  455.                  .  ___||   ==(                           .  
  456.                  . (_____/\/\_|       Proudly presents    :  
  457.                  :     \|(oo)|/       another MAXs Door   |  
  458.                  :     (  --  )                           |  
  459.                  |    __\ () /__      NEW USER            |  
  460.                  |  _/ /"`--'"\ \                         |  
  461.                  |_/  (_      _) \    My login sequence   |  
  462.                  /  __ /      / __\_  for New Users       |  
  463.                  \_/  X Marty )(___ \                     |  
  464.                  `-\ /--------\_(___/--Made-in-Australia--'
  465. NEW_USER_V2.LHA   12k 01 010598         __()__                               
  466.                        |) Oz .|       GREMLiNS MAXsWARE   .  
  467.                  .  ___||   ==(                           .  
  468.                  . (_____/\/\_|       Proudly presents    :  
  469.                  :     \|(oo)|/       another MAXs Door   |  
  470.                  :     (  --  )                           |  
  471.                  |    __\ () /__      NEW USER v2.0       |  
  472.                  |  _/ /"`--'"\ \                         |  
  473.                  |_/  (_      _) \    My login sequence   |  
  474.                  /  __ /      / __\_  for New Users       |  
  475.                  \_/  X Marty )(___ \                     |  
  476.                  `-\ /--------\_(___/--(c)-Glen-Martin----'
  477. MY_VERSION.REGO    5k 01 070698 -------------------------------------------- 
  478.                 "My Version" (c) Marty of GREMLiNS MAXsWARE. 
  479.                 -------------------------------------------- 
  480.                 Application form for personlised versions of 
  481.                 certain MAXs doors, created by "Glen Martin" 
  482.                 -------------------------------------------- 
  483. GLEN_MARTIN.LHA  107k 02 210698 -------------------------------------------- 
  484.                 Okay, I got bored and decided to create this 
  485.                 archive which  includes a sexy (iff) picture 
  486.                 of myself, plus the BBS login screen. Wow!?! 
  487.                 -------------------------------------------- 
  488.                 Email .......: gmartin@technet2000.com.au    
  489.                 BBS .........: GREMLiNS BBS, +61-7-3807-6884 
  490.                 Fluffy Net ..: 888:601/0.0 (public msg)      
  491.                 --------------------------------------------
  492. SHOW_GREMS!.LHA   29k 02 120798         __()__                               
  493.                        |) Oz .|       GREMLiNS MAXsWARE   .  
  494.                  .  ___||   ==(                           .  
  495.                  . (_____/\/\_|       Proudly presents    :  
  496.                  :     \|(oo)|/       another product:    |  
  497.                  :     (  --  )                           |  
  498.                  |    __\ () /__      GREMLiNS Preview    |  
  499.                  |  _/ /"`--'"\ \                         |  
  500.                  |_/  (_      _) \    A 10 min ansi_anim  |  
  501.                  /  __ /      / __\_  of Gremlins BBS..   |  
  502.                  \_/  X Marty )(___ \                     |  
  503.                  `-\ /--------\_(___/-See-u-all-in-2000?--'
  504. SPEED_11.LHA      11k 01 250798         __()__                               
  505.                        |) Oz .|       GREMLiNS MAXsWARE   .  
  506.                  .  ___||   ==(                           .  
  507.                  . (_____/\/\_|       Proudly presents    :  
  508.                  :     \|(oo)|/       another MAXs Door   |  
  509.                  :     (  --  )                           |  
  510.                  |    __\ () /__      SPEED v1.1          |  
  511.                  |  _/ /"`--'"\ \                         |  
  512.                  |_/  (_      _) \    Makes a Users Login |  
  513.                  /  __ /      / __\_  a little quicker    |  
  514.                  \_/  X Marty )(___ \                     |  
  515.                  `-\ /--------\_(___/---(c)-GM-NSA-LSD----'
  516. U2S.LHA            9k 01 010898         __()__                               
  517.                        |) Oz .|       GREMLiNS MAXsWARE   .  
  518.                  .  ___||   ==(                           .  
  519.                  . (_____/\/\_|       Proudly presents    :  
  520.                  :     \|(oo)|/       another MAXs Door   |  
  521.                  :     (  --  )                           |  
  522.                  |    __\ () /__      U2S v1.0            |  
  523.                  |  _/ /"`--'"\ \                         |  
  524.                  |_/  (_      _) \    Upload 2 SysOp only |  
  525.                  /  __ /      / __\_  type door           |  
  526.                  \_/  X Marty )(___ \                     |  
  527.                  `-\ /--------\_(___/---(c)-GM-NSA-LSD----'
  528. LOG_USER.LHA       3k 04 040898         __()__                               
  529.                        |) Oz .|       GREMLiNS MAXsWARE   .  
  530.                  .  ___||   ==(                           .  
  531.                  . (_____/\/\_|       Proudly presents    :  
  532.                  :     \|(oo)|/       another MAXs Door   |  
  533.                  :     (  --  )                           |  
  534.                  |    __\ () /__      LOG USER            |  
  535.                  |  _/ /"`--'"\ \                         |  
  536.                  |_/  (_      _) \    Keeps a log of each |  
  537.                  /  __ /      / __\_  user that logs on   |  
  538.                  \_/  X Marty )(___ \                     |  
  539.                  `-\ /--------\_(___/---(c)-GM-NSA-LSD----'
  540. FOR_SALE_21.LHA   13k 01 080898         __()__                               
  541.                        |) Oz .|       GREMLiNS MAXsWARE   .  
  542.                  .  ___||   ==(                           .  
  543.                  . (_____/\/\_|       Proudly presents    :  
  544.                  :     \|(oo)|/       another MAXs Door   |  
  545.                  :     (  --  )                           |  
  546.                  |    __\ () /__      FOR SALE v2.1       |  
  547.                  |  _/ /"`--'"\ \                         |  
  548.                  |_/  (_      _) \    Allows users to     |  
  549.                  /  __ /      / __\_  advertise stuff     |  
  550.                  \_/  X Marty )(___ \                     |  
  551.                  `-\ /--------\_(___/--World-MAXs-Site----'
  552. MAXS_CODERS.LHA   10k 00 110898         __()__                               
  553.                        |) Oz .|       GREMLiNS MAXsWARE   .  
  554.                  .  ___||   ==(                           .  
  555.                  . (_____/\/\_|       Proudly presents    :  
  556.                  :     \|(oo)|/       another product:    |  
  557.                  :     (  --  )                           |  
  558.                  |    __\ () /__      MAXs CODERS         |  
  559.                  |  _/ /"`--'"\ \                         |  
  560.                  |_/  (_      _) \    Past & Present MAXs |  
  561.                  /  __ /      / __\_  Support People.     |  
  562.                  \_/  X Marty )(___ \                     |  
  563.                  `-\ /--------\_(___/-Edition:-25-Jul-98--'
  564. MAXS_0898.LHA     98k 00 110898 .-------------------------------------------.
  565.                 | FiLES LiST: ALL MAXs RELATED FiLES        |
  566.                 +-------------------------------------------+
  567.                 | File List Updated On:  23:07:10  11-08-98 |
  568.                 +-------------------------------------------+
  569.                 | GREMLiNS BBS  WORLD MAXsBBS SUPPORT SiTE  |
  570.                 | OZ HQ: Fluffy Net, MAXs PRO, NSA and LSD  |
  571.                 `-------------------------------------------'
  572. SETUP_10.LHA      31k 01 220898         __()__                               
  573.                        |) Oz .|       GREMLiNS MAXsWARE   .  
  574.                  .  ___||   ==(                           .  
  575.                  . (_____/\/\_|       Proudly presents    :  
  576.                  :     \|(oo)|/       another MAXs Door   |  
  577.                  :     (  --  )                           |  
  578.                  |    __\ () /__      Setup v1.0          |  
  579.                  |  _/ /"`--'"\ \                         |  
  580.                  |_/  (_      _) \    BBS settings with a |  
  581.                  /  __ /      / __\_  difference          |  
  582.                  \_/  X Marty )(___ \                     |  
  583.                  `-\ /--------\_(___/-World-MAXs-Support--'
  584. PW_CHECK.LHA       9k 00 290898         __()__                               
  585.                        |) Oz .|       GREMLiNS MAXsWARE   .  
  586.                  .  ___||   ==(                           .  
  587.                  . (_____/\/\_|       Proudly presents    :  
  588.                  :     \|(oo)|/       another MAXs Door   |  
  589.                  :     (  --  )                           |  
  590.                  |    __\ () /__      PASSWORD CHECK v1.1 |  
  591.                  |  _/ /"`--'"\ \                         |  
  592.                  |_/  (_      _) \    Gives option to     |  
  593.                  /  __ /      / __\_  change password     |  
  594.                  \_/  X Marty )(___ \                     |  
  595.                  `-\ /--------\_(___/--Life's-a-Bitch-----'
  596. FLUFFY_GUIDE.LHA  19k 01 300898         __()__                               
  597.                        |) Oz .|                           .  
  598.                  .  ___||   ==(       FLUFFY NET GUiDE    .  
  599.                  . (_____/\/\_|    (c)1997-98 Glen Martin :  
  600.                  :     \|(oo)|/                           |  
  601.                  :     (  --  )       AN AMiGA GUiDE OF   |  
  602.                  |    __\ () /__    ALL FLUFFY NET BBS'S  |  
  603.                  |  _/ /"`--'"\ \     AND iT'S SYSOPS.    |  
  604.                  |_/  (_      _) \                        |  
  605.                  /  __ /      / __\_     30-Aug-98        |  
  606.                  \_/  X Marty )(___ \                     |  
  607.                  `-\ /--------\_(___/---GREMLiNS-BBS------'
  608. PAPA_PACK1.LHA    18k 00 300898       _______ _____ ______ _____ __ __       
  609.                      (       )  .  )  __  )__   |  |  |      
  610.                      /  | |  |     |     <   |  |_   _|      
  611.                      \__|_|  |__|  |__|)  )  |  | | |        
  612.                           `--'  `--'   `--'  `--' `-'        
  613.                       mARTY^nSA oF aUSTRALIA pRESENTS:       
  614.                   [--------------------------------------]   
  615.                    a sMALL pAPA pACK oF oFFSETS fOR bBS's    
  616.                    rELEASED uNDER tHE nSA dESIGN gROUP..!    
  617.                   [----------------pack-#1---------------]
  618. MULTI-MENUS.LHA    8k 00 010998         __()__                               
  619.                        |) Oz .|       GREMLiNS MAXsWARE   .  
  620.                  .  ___||   ==(                           .  
  621.                  . (_____/\/\_|       Proudly presents    :  
  622.                  :     \|(oo)|/       another MAXs Door   |  
  623.                  :     (  --  )                           |  
  624.                  |    __\ () /__      MULTI MENUS v1.2    |  
  625.                  |  _/ /"`--'"\ \                         |  
  626.                  |_/  (_      _) \    Allows more menu    |  
  627.                  /  __ /      / __\_  sets on the BBS     |  
  628.                  \_/  X Marty )(___ \                     |  
  629.                  `-\ /--------\_(___/-+61-7-3807-6884-----'
  630. FUKWITS_22.LHA     7k 00 120998         __()__                               
  631.                        |) Oz .|       GREMLiNS MAXsWARE   .  
  632.                  .  ___||   ==(                           .  
  633.                  . (_____/\/\_|       Proudly presents    :  
  634.                  :     \|(oo)|/       another MAXs Door   |  
  635.                  :     (  --  )                           |  
  636.                  |    __\ () /__      FUKWITS v2.2        |  
  637.                  |  _/ /"`--'"\ \                         |  
  638.                  |_/  (_      _) \    Locks LUsers out    |  
  639.                  /  __ /      / __\_  like Greg Thomas    |  
  640.                  \_/  X Marty )(___ \ and Paul Demark!    |  
  641.                  `-\ /--------\_(___/---------------------'
  642. @endnode